
BIOGRIP is an African-led platform that pulls from leading talent from across South Africa. Its four nodes enable cutting-edge research and analysis with support from the North-West University, University of the Free State, Stellenbosch University and the University of Cape Town, as well as affiliated facilities. For full details and biographies of those affiliated with BIOGRIP visit this link.


Dr Roger Diamond
Isotope Hydrogeologist

Aldwin Ndhlovu
Aquatic Scientist
BIOGRIP Project Manager, UCT

Gloria Cupido
Finance and Administration Manager

Shaakirah Adams
BIOGRIP Data Manager, UCT

Atmospheric Node

Prof Katye Altieri
Marine Atmospheric Chemist
Oceanography, UCT

Dr Kerneels Jaars
Atmospheric Chemist
Chemistry, NWU

Tamryn Hamilton
PhD candidate, NWU

Liezl Bredenkamp
PhD candidate, NWU

Casper Labuschagne
Senior Scientist, Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) group, South African Weather Service (SAWS)

Prof Pieter Van Zyl
Atmospheric Chemist, BIOGRIP Node Manager, NWU

Dr Micky Josipovic
Atmospheric Chemist
Chemistry, NWU

Isotope Node

Dr Tara Edwards
Chief Scientific Officer, Attom Lab, Geological Sciences, UCT

Prof Sarah Fawcett
Marine Biogeochemist
Oceanography, UCT

Dr Vincent Hare
Earth Scientist
Archaeology, SLIL, UCT

Prof Chris Harris
Isotope Geochemist
Geological Sciences, UCT

Dr Brett Kuyper
Chief Scientific Officer, MBL
Oceanography, UCT

Dr Petrus Le Roux
Isotope Geologist, MC-ICP-MS Facility
Geological Sciences, UCT

Hazel Little-Leighton
Scientific Officer
Oceanography, UCT

Dr Julie Luyt
Isotope Ecologist, Senior Research Officer, Archaeology, UCT

Prof Judith Sealy
SARChI Stable Isotopes, Archaeology and Palaeoenvironmental Studies
Archaeology, UCT

Dr Johanna Von Holdt
Environmental and Geographical Scientist

Patricia Groenewald
Forensics and Archaeology
Senior Scientific Officer, SLIL, UCT

Dr Sangbaran Ghoshmaulik
Earth Scientist
Archaeology, SLIL, UCT

Georgina Luti
Isotope Geochemist
Geological Sciences, UCT

A/Prof Robyn Pickering
Isotope Geochemist
Geological Sciences, UCT

Dr Maximilian Jan Spies
Forensic Geochemist
Archaeology, UCT

Mineral Node

Dr Mariana Erasmus
Microbiologist and Biogeochemist
Director, Centre for Mineral Biogeochemistry, UFS

Dr Robert Hansen
Environmental Geochemist
Geology, UFS

Dr Yolandi Schoeman

Dr Megan Welman-Purchase
Geology, UFS

Water and Soil Node

Dr Janine Colling
Horticultural Scientist

Prof Cristiano De Carvalho Lana
Isotope Geochemist
Earth Sciences, SU

Dr Susanne Fietz
Environmental Geochemist
Earth Sciences, SU

Fransien Kamper
Financial Officer

Volante Moonsamy

Heleen Vos
Environmental Geochemist
Earth Sciences, SU

Scientific Committee

Andy Buffler
Metrological and Applied Sciences Research Unit (MEASURE)

Jane Evans
British Geological Survey

Gregor Fieg
Expanded Freshwater and Terrestrial Environmental Observation Network (EFTEON)

Thato Mtshali
Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment (DFFE)

Leonard Wassenaar
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

Management Committee

Dr Shafick Adams
Stakeholder/Major User
Executive Manager, Water Research Commission

Dr Tommy Bornman Stakeholder/Major User SMCRI/SAEON

Prof Roger Diamond

Prof Henning Krieg
NWU, Director Research, School of Physical and Chemical Sciences

Mr Charles Mokonoto
DSI Director, Research Infrastructure, DST/I

Farhana Moodley
UCT, Finance Manager, Faculty of Science

Prof Sibusiso Moyo
SU, Vice-Rector, Research, Innovation and Postgraduate Studies

Prof Jeff Murugan (acting)
UCT, DVC Research and Internationalisation

Prof Paul Oberholzer
UFS, Dean, Natural & Agricultural Sciences

Prof Vasu Reddy
UFS, Vice-Rector, Research, and Internationalisation

Prof Judith Sealy
UCT, SARChI Research Chair Stable Isotopes in Archaeology

Prof Gary Stevens
SU, SARCHI Chair, Director, Central Analytical Facilities

Prof Hussein Suleman
UCT, Dean of the Faculty of Science

Dr Pieter van Zyl
NWU, School of Physical and Chemical Sciences